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Volunteers wanted for alltypes unit-13 disco tent dance group ;)

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Volunteers wanted for alltypes unit-13 disco tent dance group ;) Empty Volunteers wanted for alltypes unit-13 disco tent dance group ;)

Post  DuBeLiCiOuS Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:50 pm

picture the scene 3 0r 4 of us in disco tent then they play lmfao sexay and you know it then we rip off our trousers and where stood in thongs dancing with unit-13 down our thighs WE WILL GO DOWN IN ALL TYPES HISTORY!!!!!!!!
but i cant do it on my own lol big G i think you will do it after a few drinks haha

Volunteers wanted for alltypes unit-13 disco tent dance group ;) Lmfaounit

Posts : 319
Join Date : 2010-01-08
Age : 39
Location : the G (caergeiliog)
Ride : mercedes e280 2.8 v6 + mk2 golf project and my little honda cbr6 ;)

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