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stereo help!!!!

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stereo help!!!! Empty stereo help!!!!

Post  douglas Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:12 am

i have replaced the sanderd stereo in my polo gti with a clarion cd player, i have used a wiring harness for this model car from halfords... when i connected the stereo it powerd up and ejected the cd that was allredy in the stereo but the face pannel doesnt light up and wont turn on???????????????????????????? can any 1 help???


Posts : 12
Join Date : 2010-11-27
Location : porthmadog
Ride : polo gti

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stereo help!!!! Empty Re: stereo help!!!!

Post  dan_mk1 Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:43 am

sounds like its got the permanent live but not the ignition switched live to me, check where the two powers are on the original loom an see that the adapter takes them to where the stereo instructions say they shud go. vw dont put them in the right positions for aftermarket stereos but obv thats wot the halfords wire is meant to do. hth Very Happy

Posts : 114
Join Date : 2010-01-08
Ride : mk2 1.8t, mk1 project

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stereo help!!!! Empty ?????

Post  douglas Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:53 am

dan_mk1 wrote:sounds like its got the permanent live but not the ignition switched live to me, check where the two powers are on the original loom an see that the adapter takes them to where the stereo instructions say they shud go. vw dont put them in the right positions for aftermarket stereos but obv thats wot the halfords wire is meant to do. hth Very Happy
thanks for the advice.. been told to swap the yellow an red wires????? does that sound like a good idea???


Posts : 12
Join Date : 2010-11-27
Location : porthmadog
Ride : polo gti

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stereo help!!!! Empty Re: stereo help!!!!

Post  dan_mk1 Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:42 am

err, i would be carefull swapin wires if your not to sure like an off the top of my head im not sure what wires go where, easy nuff to check an sus out tho. an jus incase aye check the radio fuse i forgot to sugest that

Posts : 114
Join Date : 2010-01-08
Ride : mk2 1.8t, mk1 project

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stereo help!!!! Empty Re: stereo help!!!!

Post  douglas Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:03 am

dan_mk1 wrote:err, i would be carefull swapin wires if your not to sure like an off the top of my head im not sure what wires go where, easy nuff to check an sus out tho. an jus incase aye check the radio fuse i forgot to sugest that
cheers mate.. checked the fuse so i mite try swaping the 2 live cables!!!


Posts : 12
Join Date : 2010-11-27
Location : porthmadog
Ride : polo gti

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stereo help!!!! Empty Re: stereo help!!!!

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