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mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect

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mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect Empty mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect

Post  20v-turbo Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:45 am

due to a bigger project opportunity i have decided to sell my mk2 Sad sad times

shel is solid and has a half wleded smoothed bay and the panels cut ready to fit (£150 in scrap metal,,,god forbid,,but breakdowns wrth a bit ect)
lowerd 40mm on springs and shocks (60 second hand,, then bout 80 quid for break setup)
half tinted aftermarket rear lights (50)
single grill badged (oem driver one (30)
2 x twin spot grills with inners (30 each usually)
corrado rear bench (80 as its the dark cloth version from the last running models)
gti frnt seats, and also spare 2 frnts (1 set is absoloutly mint condition) (70 fr the mint ons)
dashboard seatbelts and interior bits (60)
mk2 bottletop alloys, 4 baseically new tires plus 1 spare wheel (90)
all glass is clean and mint (no idea 100 probably haha i paid 35 fr 1 glass)
rear arch spats and front and back mk2 big bumpers (80)
mk2 8v manifold and centre pipe (30)
mk2 gti fuel tank (30)

i really dont want to break the car as i wont scrap it ever

if you got knowladge on cars and can weld to finish off the bay then you can save this car and mke it a winner best part of the car is the rear end is solid no rust at all rear quarters are mint and rear end behind bumper is clean as fuck, so is the frnt

all the car needs is 1 frnt wing, finish off bay, door cards, engine and tht it

looking fr offers at arround 300 which is fair considering the parts ect

I WILL NOT SELL THIS CAR TO SUMONE WHOS GOING TO SCRAP IT!!! plenty of bits thts wrth summat

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Join Date : 2010-07-19
Age : 32
Location : Blaenau Ffestiniog
Ride : Audi a3 20vt

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mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect Empty Re: mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect

Post  Mr Womersley Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:44 am

heii doo u have any photos??

Mr Womersley

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mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect Empty Re: mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect

Post  20v-turbo Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:18 am


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Age : 32
Location : Blaenau Ffestiniog
Ride : Audi a3 20vt

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mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect Empty Re: mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect

Post  Mr Womersley Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:20 am

intrestid bud but ill have toi get rid off the mazda first lol sooo ill let u noo Smile

Mr Womersley

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mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect Empty Re: mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect

Post  20v-turbo Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:59 am

no worries bud,,
thers u nd one other person currently interested, im in no hurry to sell, but if it goes ill inform you,, thanks

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mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect Empty Re: mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect

Post  Mr Womersley Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:21 am

ok lad...is it just bare shell is it!!? no wiring nothing?

Mr Womersley

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mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect Empty Re: mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect

Post  20v-turbo Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:38 am

shell, interior wiring, lights, interior (no door cards or roof linning) nd waterver u see in the pics ect

Posts : 548
Join Date : 2010-07-19
Age : 32
Location : Blaenau Ffestiniog
Ride : Audi a3 20vt

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mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect Empty Re: mk2 golf project £300 wrth more in spares ect

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