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DRUM HOUSE FFEST 2011 (SKA and DUB reggae festival)

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DRUM HOUSE FFEST 2011 (SKA and DUB reggae festival) Empty DRUM HOUSE FFEST 2011 (SKA and DUB reggae festival)

Post  StopWatchingTV Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:42 pm

DRUM HOUSE FFEST 2011 (SKA and DUB reggae festival) 304251_2427989696557_1155990488_33013129_1513553675_n

More info can be found at www.drumhouseffest.com
The biggest Ska and Dub festival in Wales, hosting only the best acts in a one day festival at a stunning location.
12pm - 1.30am 1st October
This is a once in a lifetime to see some of the UK and Jamaica's biggest Ska and Dub act playing in the stunning surrounds of an old Slate quarry in Blaenau Ffestiniog!
Tickets are available at www.sadwrn.com for just £25 (+ Booking fee), also available at Cob Records in Porthmadog and Bangor, T. H. Roberts Coffee Shop in Dolgellau and Offaxis Surf and Wake shop in Abersoch.

Some of the Bangor lot that have been to Cellb gigs (Pama International - Julian Marley - The Mighty Diamonds - The Abyssinians - Yellowman - Marcia Griffiths) can testify that it will be ace.

Posts : 10
Join Date : 2010-01-13
Location : Ffestiniog
Ride : MK3 Gti 8v

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