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anyone got any spare mk4 3 door seats?

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anyone got any spare mk4 3 door seats? Empty anyone got any spare mk4 3 door seats?

Post  will-1994 Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:17 pm

Hi guys,

desperate for an upgrade in seats from my 1.4 patterned ones.

I'm looking for either some recaro ones or just the standard sport gti ones.

My cousin offered me some of the non recaro sport seats for £50 but he lives waaay too far away from me, so looking for some locally on here.

Let me know, thanks


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Join Date : 2011-09-23
Location : Pwllheli
Ride : 2004 Volkswagen Golf mk4

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anyone got any spare mk4 3 door seats? Empty Re: anyone got any spare mk4 3 door seats?

Post  aaronbach91 Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:56 am

Hey mate I,ve got black standard seats out of my golf that I don't want, but they're out of a 5 door :/ There's no airbag cables on them either due to me cutting them to put new seats in. Get back to me if your interested.

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anyone got any spare mk4 3 door seats? Empty Re: anyone got any spare mk4 3 door seats?

Post  will-1994 Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:41 am

Cheers for letting me know buddy!

I've seen so many 5 door seats going cheap they seem to be a lot more common, but I'm afraid I can't have them in mine because I use the back seats quite regularly so it'll make getting into the back quite tricky.

Ger on here was going to sell me ones out of his 5 door and it took my ages to remember they wouldn't flip forward Sad

but thanks for the offer!

Anyone else?


Posts : 12
Join Date : 2011-09-23
Location : Pwllheli
Ride : 2004 Volkswagen Golf mk4

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anyone got any spare mk4 3 door seats? Empty Re: anyone got any spare mk4 3 door seats?

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