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Notify Insurance?

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Notify Insurance? Empty Notify Insurance?

Post  Ben Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:33 pm

Hi everyone, i'm planning on removing the rear seats in the polo and flooing the rear out, may even get to use it as a bed Laughing

do i need to notify the insurance when i do this?



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Notify Insurance? Empty Re: Notify Insurance?

Post  Chris_Irish Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:14 pm



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Notify Insurance? Empty Re: Notify Insurance?

Post  vpolo Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:59 pm

some insurances can be arsey as you insure your car to seat 5 people in which caseu cant becauseu only have two seats

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Notify Insurance? Empty Re: Notify Insurance?

Post  Chris_Irish Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:19 am

Only of course if it says 5 seats on the log book, alot of time it doesnt.

As long as you remove the seat belts and all seat belt fixxings it perfecly above board for an mot as well.


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Ride : Mk1 Ford Focus 1.8 Zetec

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Notify Insurance? Empty Re: Notify Insurance?

Post  doobie Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:27 am

All insurance companies will have a note in the small print saying ANY changes to the car MUST be
declared.... so yes you should... i know i know people will say no you dont....BUT you take that risk
at your peril if for example you have a crash and they examine your car they could refuse to pay out as
you didnt tell them. you then risk not only being personally liable for the damage to both your own car but
also for any other cars involved....then if thats not bad enough the police could then charge you for driving
without insurance up to 9 points i believe so if you took your test after a certain date it would mean a ban and
having to take a retest ....then..... when you come to take out insurance again it will cost you both arms rather
than the present one as loadings for no insurance are higher than a conviction for drink driving.....then if you are
really unlucky the DVLA will notice your 5 seater car was converted to 2 seats and fine you up to £1,000
for not informing them......still wanna take a chance for a few quid saving now????

Posts : 24
Join Date : 2010-01-18

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