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2002 Mk4 Golf 1600 engine fault

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2002 Mk4 Golf 1600 engine fault Empty 2002 Mk4 Golf 1600 engine fault

Post  Owain Mk1 Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:19 am

For sale, complete car, owned by my girlfriend's grandparents so its not been hammered lol. Engine management light came on, oil not reaching the head the garage says. Haven't been driven since the light came on, and it was only 5 miles from home when it first appeared. I haven't looked at it tbh.

Car is a nice metallic Gray, 4 door and its clean and tidy.

Looking for £500, worth much more in parts if you have sum where to strip it or might be a simple fix, but the price is what it is incase it's terminal.

2002 Mk4 Golf 1600 engine fault 14362dbac5afd207204d084d39609e1f
2002 Mk4 Golf 1600 engine fault 414c503e2212f98ac987d1a6f6e40349
2002 Mk4 Golf 1600 engine fault 9e6e89c5ec97f6031ba2d913fbc32a00
2002 Mk4 Golf 1600 engine fault 805fc38f440f96a60da68174891f93a9

Car's in Brynteg just outside benllech, pm me for any more intel
Owain Mk1
Owain Mk1

Posts : 598
Join Date : 2010-01-07
Location : Anglesey
Ride : Mk1 Golf Gti Campaign + Golf Gti Mk5

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