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Schmidts TH-lines help!!!

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Schmidts TH-lines help!!!  Empty Schmidts TH-lines help!!!

Post  Reece mk5 Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:15 am

Has anyone got some info about how to re-build TH-Lines? What f/lb etc...........

Thanks Reece
Reece mk5
Reece mk5

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Schmidts TH-lines help!!!  Empty Re: Schmidts TH-lines help!!!

Post  Gilmour Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:45 am

the guy on edition ere has got 15" schmidts they say the tourqe setting is 20/22 ft lds

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Schmidts TH-lines help!!!  Empty Re: Schmidts TH-lines help!!!

Post  Reece mk5 Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:43 am

right then as you all know i have just had my th lines. i just need some tips on how to keep them nice and shiny Smile so any recommended wheel polish/ sealant. i have read up on edition38 to just clean them with hot soapy water then polish and seal.
any tips would help a shit load!

Reece mk5
Reece mk5

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Schmidts TH-lines help!!!  Empty Re: Schmidts TH-lines help!!!

Post  dan_mk1 Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:47 am

very nice wheels man, always been on my wish list Cool

soap an water is best an safest but that means your meant to wash them ALL the time, like as soon as you get home!
as the old dust heats up it starts to bake to your wheels an then you need sumin stronger to lift it an risk markin them or loosin shine... Polished rims are a major ball ache to keep on top of tho Mad

i've got belgom alu an meguires nxt gen metal polish both are good but different, i use the belgom 1st (good all rounder) then the megs for really polishin things up to a shine

dunno what sealer to recommend, megs stuff are always pretty good or whatever they reckon on edition

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