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1.8T missfire?!?!

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1.8T missfire?!?! Empty 1.8T missfire?!?!

Post  Dion20VT Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:30 pm

Hey peeps!!

What it is my brothers A3 1.8T (my old one) has developed a misfire now and again, it doesnt happen all the time but it is very noticable when it does happen. Also the engine management light has come on, possibly connected with the missfire??

I know these engines suffer from coilpack issue's but was just wondering what else could it be??

If anyone has a Vag-com we could use to check it out? just incase its doing damage to the engine, and so on...


Posts : 28
Join Date : 2010-06-14
Location : Pesda
Ride : Mapped A3 20V Turbo

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